The 2020 CES was packed as usual with the latest innovative electronics that may one day align within our lives. But the biggest surprise was from Sony as they introduced their fully electric, autonomous vehicle dubbed as the Sony Vision-S electric car.
It seems that Sony decided to step its usual realm of gaming platforms, smart TVs, cameras and smartphones to unveil their prototype Vision-S electric car. According to Kenichiro Yoshida, the Sony CEO, he said “This prototype embodies our contribution to the future of mobility and combines a variety of Sony technology.”
The Sony Vision-S is an all-wheel drive, 4-seater sporting two 200kW motors which help it accelerate from 0-60 (0-100km) in 4.8 seconds to a maximum speed of 149 mph (240km). With 33 sensors to monitor the interior and exterior of the vehicle, the Vision-S also packs an immersive 360 degree surround audio system, and a panoramic dash screen for infotainment. Check out the
Sony Vision-S Electric Car Slideshow
Despite Sony’s leap-start into the automotive world, it has said it does not plan to sell the Vision-S commercially, instead, it plans to use it as a test bed for image sensing technology of which the company holds a leading market share globally. So guess we won’t be seeing this beauty at any stops lights in the near future. Nevertheless, it will be interesting to see if Sony can rise from just another electronics giant to modern electro-mobility player.
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